#7487: System Wide - Ability to Set Assigned To, Committee Members, Survey & Alert Groups to PositionsΒΆ

New Service Desk Issue(s): ION-93

Great news for all, we now have the ability to assign additional aspects of the system to position(s) as opposed to specific staff members. This covers;

- Assigned To on Category Trees : Settings > Drop Down Lists > Incidents, Feedback, Hazard, Risk, Compliance, Company Documents
Assigned To Category Tree.jpg

- Committee Members : Governance > Committees > Committee Details
Assigned To Committee Members.jpg

- Alert Groups : Reminders > Setup > Alert Groups > Alert Group Details
Assigned To Alert Group.jpg

- Predefined Survey Groups : Settings > Drop Down Lists > Surveys > Survey Group and then linked at Survey/Audits > Assign Survey/Audit.
Assigned To Survey Group.jpg

You have the option to select one or more positions across the organisation, or you can select a specific site/service and position/s within that unit.

The usual system security permission rules apply, where Policy Access is referred to to determine who receives the event alerts and/or record visibility.

This enhancement ensures that as your staff move through the organisation, that the right people are receiving your VIP alerts and access to the right records upon being allocated to their new position, without manual intervention being required.