#9275: Survey / Audit - Upload files at Question LevelΒΆ

Great new functionality has been introduced to the Survey / Audit module within this release. It is now possible to set up your surveys or internal audits that whilst being completed users may upload files at the question level, as opposed to only being able to upload once a survey/audit had been submitted.

This is set within Survey/Audit > Setup > Question Details tab simply by ticking the 'Show Upload Table' checkbox.

This will be beneficial to those completing site audits that want to upload images or documents related to one question within their internal audit. For example, you can take a picture of the dirty oven and link it to the 'oven cleanliness' question.

During completion of the audit/survey, for those questions ticked to 'show Upload Table', there is an upload table presented below that question.

For any 'Likert scale' style questions, the upload table is below the Likert scale 'table' of questions. When selecting to add a 'New' file, the upload popup has a drop down list to select which question within the Likert Scale you wish to link this upload to.

Once submitted, uploads can be viewed within the Survey/Audit Answers > Answer Details tab.