#9276: Survey / Audit - Collaborative Responses by Multiple Assignees

Great new functionality has been introduced to the Survey / Audit module within this release. Part of this large improvement is that it is now possible to combine responses from multiple assignees of a Survey or Internal Audit into the one Survey Answers view. An Approver needs to be assigned as the final signoff of those responses and to close the survey/audit from additional responses being inadvertently added.

A new tick box exists under Surveys / Audits > Survey / Audit Setup > Survey / Audit Details called “Is this a collaborative survey? (Tick for yes)”
Once ticked, a new field of “Survey Approver” is presented with a drop down list to select the Approver. Only one staff can be assigned as approver.

Assigned Collaborators can take a survey by going to Surveys / Audits > Take Survey > List of Surveys (standard Assignee functionality)

For collaborative survey/audits additional information about the survey collaborators list will be added under survey name as the form is being worked on.

Note: There is no change to the current process/look for those surveys/audits that are not ticked as being collaborative

A new icon will be added at the end of each question when a survey is setup for collaboration
When the icon is clicked, a pop up will be opened to show the list of other collaborators’ responses.

For 'Likert scale' based questions, the new icon will be displayed at the end of each question row

When viewing Survey/Audit Answers on collaborative types, the system displays detail in a similar fashion to the collaboration images shown above.

A new “Close and Review” button will be visible to the designated Approver of the survey/audit if the survey is not approved yet.

When the Approver clicks the “Close and Review” button, a confirmation message pops up asking “Would you like to close and review this Survey/Audit? This will submit all the draft responses from collaborators.” Clicking Yes will redirect approver to the new “Approval” tab.

A new “Approval” tab is now presented within the Survey/Audit Answers register. This is a page where the Approver can modify the combined responses from collaborators to make the final approved response.

Clicking the Save icon will save the modification made by approver without approving the survey. The approver will be able to revisit this response and modify it later.

When approver clicks the Approve button, a confirmation message pops up asking “Would you like to approve this Survey/Audit” with Yes and Cancel buttons.

When the survey is closed and reviewed, all the draft/saved surveys will be submitted and both the Approver and collaborators will not be able to modify their responses.

There are three (3) new alerts available for collaborative surveys/audits.
a.     On Collaborative Survey Submitted
The main recipient intended to receive this alert is the survey approver. This alert will be sent out when a collaborator submits a survey answer
b.     On Collaborative Survey Closed
The main recipients intended to receive this alert are both the survey approver and collaborators. This alert will be sent out when the approver selects to 'close and review' a set of collaborative survey answers
c.     On Collaborative Survey Approved
The main recipients intended to receive this alert are both the survey approver and collaborators. This alert will be sent out when the approver approves and submits the final survey/audit answers

There are some new fields been added to the existing Survey datasources for reporting purposes:
  • Collaborator details
  • “Is this collaborative survey” setting
  • Approved Date
  • Approved By
  • Is Approved Version (this will be yes for the approver final response and no for collaborator responses)
  • Collaborative ID. A set of collaborative responses + approver response will have 1 collaborative id. Once a survey is approved, new collaborative ID will be generated on a new response taken by a collaborator

Should you require training on setting up your collaborative surveys/internal audits, please contact our Trainer, Alex Constantinou. Alexc@ionmy.com.au