#9105: Accreditation - New Level 3 for Examples of Actions and Evidence and Info Buttons

When setting up standards we have the Quality Area Group eg.  Aged Care Quality and Safety Standards.

We then have Quality Area, Such as Standard 8. Organisational Governance (which links to Quality Area Group of ACQS above)

The next level is 'Requirements' which is each of the requirements we link to for evidence.
eg. 8(3)(a) Consumers are engaged in the development, delivery and evaluation of care and services and are supported in that engagement

Now there is an additional level we need to be able to link to, which is the "Examples of Action and Evidence" associated with each Requirement. These Examples are split into 3 categories:
  • Consumers
  • Workforce and other stakeholders
  • Organisation
Users are now able to select multiple options within each category, and then their selection shows in Accreditation Evidence records plus are reportable on.

In addition to the above new fields, there is also the improvement of being able to record specific descriptions against both Quality Area and Requirements. Where Quality Area description is to record the 'Purpose and Scope' of that Standard and the Requirements description is to reflect the 'Intent of this Requirement'. The reasoning behind adding these descriptors is to help our users in understanding the standards without having to refer to the Standards manual.

These descriptors are shown on the linked standards table, where there is an 'info' button; . When clicking the info button the description is displayed on a popup box.

Here is a document covering this information, for easy access should you need to print out to share with others. Accreditation - New Level 3 for Examples of Actions and Evidence plus New Info Buttons.docx