#9295: Alerts - “Person Responsible” alert does not trigger when editing existing record

Prior to this release, if the Person Responsible field was modified on an existing record there was no corresponding alert template available to be able to send an email to the appropriate person(s). This ticket introduces 3 new Alert templates for the purpose of alerting team members if the Person Responsible field is updated. They are for;
  1. On Accident/Incident Person Responsible Changed
  2. On Quality Person Responsible Changed  (used for the Continuous Improvement module)
  3. On Suggestion Person Responsible Changed (used for the Feedback module)
If you require a guide on setting up these alerts please email support@ionmy.com.au or check out the ionMy Knowledgebase at https://ionmy.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ION/pages/1084555277/Actions+Reminders