#9041: Infections - New Field for Staff /Consumer is Isolated

To align to the new Quality and Safety Commission reporting requirements, a new tick box fields with 2 date fields linked to it have been added. 
The new tick box field is labelled as 'Staff / Consumer Is Isolated' by default

Ticking this field presents the user with 2 additional date fields for potential completion. The new date fields are labelled as 'Isolation Commenced Date' and 'Isolation Ceased Date' by default

Through your usual system administrator processes, you have the ability to change;
  • Custom Labels: enable the fields, rename them, set them as mandatory n core system
  • Compliance Portal: enable the fields in infection module in compliance portal
  • Reports: add the new fields to your report fields, charts and/or filters.
  • Alerts: add the parameters of new fields to any relevant infection alerts
  • Mail Merge: add the parameters of new fields to any relevant infection mail merge template
  • API: add the parameters of new fields to any infection API
Here's the list of new parameters in alerts, mail merge, and API
Field Name Alerts Mail Merge API
Is Isolated ISISOL ISISOL is_isolated
Isolation Commenced Date ISOCMD ISOCMNDT isolation_commenced_date
Isolation Ceased Date ISOCSD ISOCEADT isolation_ceased_date

Note:  All available merge fields can be found in the Merge Template help file found at Settings > System Settings > Merge Templates and click the 'Help' icon