#8826: Our Workforce - Additional Credential Date Field

Old Support Ticket(s): QUY-622-26527

New Service Desk Issue(s): ION-168

A new date field has been added to the credential details screen as well as relevant alert events and reporting views for both Staff Members and TPP's. 


A new field labelled 'Date Credential Verified' has been added to the following My Workforce event areas;
  • My Workforce > Credentials & Training > Credential Details
  • My Workforce > Credentials & Training > Credentials Bulk Update
The new field is included as an available argument to embed into the body of the alert content for the following alert event;
  • On Staff Credential Expired
The new field is included in the following reporting views;
  • Staff Credential
  • Staff Credential Action Notes Full

A new field labelled 'Date Credential Verified' has been added to the following My Community event areas;
  • My Community > TPP Type > Person Details > Credential Table > Credential Details
The new field is included as an available argument to embed into the body of the alert content for the following alert event;
  • 'On TPP Credential Expired
The new field is included in the following reporting view;
  • Our Community Credential