#7933: Security - New Action Specific Employee Policy Access (WTA / WTACC)ΒΆ

New Service Desk Issue(s): ION-1158, ION-174,592,2017

Another great request from some of our ionMy family - thank you!

Prior to the release of Version 6.3 the WTA and WTACC drop down lists only presented names aligned to a users 'Employee' policy access. Generally this would be 'Own Unit' or 'Own Unit Tree'. This meant users could only assign actions to those within their own Site/Service stream.

This ticket introduces the ability for your system administrators to set security Policy Access per module, for the Who To Action (WTA) and Who To Action CC (WTACC) fields in your Action Details.

An example where this can be used could be where a Manager at Unit A receives a hazard report that results in some required maintenance. The Maintenance team work in Unit X. This Manager has Employee policy access of Own Unit, however wishes to assign an action to the Maintenance Coordinator. By setting Hazard Action Policy to an option other than Own Unit, such as All or Selected Units, the manager will be able to assign an action to someone outside of their unit.
Action Policy Access.jpg

Please contact support@ionmy.com.au should you have any questions or require guidance in setting this up.