#8556: Compliance Portal - Initial Popup No Longer PresentedΒΆ

What we are sure will be to the delight of all, we are happy to announce that the initial popup when entering a record via the Compliance Portal is no longer presented. These fields are, by default, still presented on the actual form however can be managed in App Settings (more on this below).

Changes to be aware of:

1) If you allow Anonymous access to your unique ionMy Compliance Portal your users will still be presented with the "I Am A" and "My Name Is" fields for completion. However, if your users must login to access to Portal, these fields are no longer presented for completion as your username is captured automatically.

2) If you are entering an Incident or Infection record, the old "This Event Involves" Type and Name fields are no longer presented. This is because the detail in captured in the Person Involved fields - so was a duplication. All other record types can have these fields presented, if you choose (presented by default).
This Event Involves Fields.jpg

3) Should you have module specific Description and uploaded documents, these are now shown at the top of the form you are working on. Example below:

Portal Module Description and Uploads.jpg

4) If you wish to turn off these fields, regardless of the record type, this can be managed through;
- Settings > App Settings
- Untick the relevant checkbox(es) and
- Save.

Managing I Am A This Event Involves Fields.jpg

Please contact the Support Team should you have any questions or require assistance.