#8221: Training Course - Add Training Course Expires Checkbox and Expiry Date

Support Ticket(s): ION-1352, ION-406

We are excited to announce the following updates to improve the management of training courses:

Training courses can now be set as having an expiration!

This works in the same way as existing functionality you would all be familiar with in the Credentials module.

New Expires Checkbox in Training Courses: A new checkbox has been added to the Training Course section, allowing users to indicate whether a training course is subject to expiration.

Expiry Date Field: The Expiry Date field has been added across multiple pages, including:
  • Training_Schedule_Details.aspx
  • Training_Education_Bulk_Update.aspx
  • Training_Education_Details.aspx
This feature ensures that users can clearly define and display when a training course will expire.

Alerts: New TIMED reminder alerts, On Training Schedule Expires and On Training Education Expires, have been introduced. These reminders will automatically trigger based on the expiry date, ensuring timely notifications to and assist with good governance. All relevant training field arguments are included to provide comprehensive details.

Reporting Capability: We have also added the ability to generate reports on both the Expires checkbox and Expiry Date fields, allowing for better tracking and management of expiring training courses.

These updates streamline the training management process and enhance the ability to track and report on training expiry, helping ensure compliance and timely renewals.