#9809: Credentials - Data Watch - New “Show in Data Watch Dashboard” setting under the type settings

We are excited to introduce a new feature within the Credential dropdown (ddl) settings, aimed at enhancing the visibility and management of credentials in the Data Watch Dashboard.

New Feature Details:

  • A new column, Show in Data Watch Dashboard, has been added to the Credential dropdown settings.
  • When adding or editing items in the credential list, a checkbox labeled Show in Data Watch Dashboard now appears in the popup. This checkbox allows users to control which credentials are displayed in the Data Watch Dashboard for better monitoring and oversight.

Key Benefits:

  • Improved Visibility: Administrators can now select which credentials are shown on the Data Watch Dashboard, ensuring critical credentials are easily accessible for tracking and review.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Users have the option to toggle this setting during the creation or editing of credentials, offering more control over their credential management process.