#9815: Data Watch - Wizard

We have introduced a new menu item, Data Watch Alert > Alert Setup, which includes a Wizard Setup tab designed to simplify and guide users through the alert configuration process. This enhancement offers a structured approach, allowing users to create and customise alerts efficiently, ensuring they are tailored to their specific needs.

Wizard Setup Process
The setup wizard consists of 7 detailed steps, each designed to provide flexibility and control over alert configurations:
  1. Select Alert Type: Choose the type of alert to be set up based on the monitoring needs.
  2. Select Alert Area: Define the area where the alert will apply (e.g., incidents, infections).
  3. Define Criteria: Set specific criteria that trigger the alert based on events.
  4. Assign Recipients: Specify which Users will receive the alert notifications.  .
  5. Setup Alert Message: Customise the alert message that will be sent when the criteria are met.
  6. Review & Confirm: Review the alert setup details and make necessary adjustments before finalising.
  7. Finish: Complete the setup and activate the alert.
Alert Type Options
The following 4 alert types are available, providing flexibility in monitoring different scenarios:
  • Unresolved Escalation Email Alert: Notifies users when a specified record type remains unresolved beyond the specified timeframe. .
  • Unresolved Threshold Email Alert: Triggers when a defined threshold is reached and remains unresolved, prompting action.
  • Repeated Email Alert: Activated when a particular event occurs repeatedly within a set timeframe, highlighting potential recurring issues.
  • Trend Email Alert: Monitors patterns or trends over time, alerting users to emerging situations that may require intervention.

Alert Areas
The available areas for configuring alerts vary depending on the alert type:
  • For Unresolved Escalation Email Alert and Trend Email Alert types, the following 5 areas are available:
    • Incident
    • Infection
    • Hazard
    • Risk
    • Complaint
  • For Unresolved Threshold Email Alert and Repeated Alert Email types, the following 3 areas are available:
    • Incident
    • Infection
    • Complaint

This enhancement provides a flexible, step-by-step setup process that enables users to define and manage alert configurations precisely. By offering a variety of alert types and areas, users can monitor and respond to critical events effectively, enhancing overall responsiveness and management efficiency.